Jamal Greene

Jamal Greene

Jamal Greene is a constitutional law expert whose scholarship focuses on the structure of legal and constitutional arguments. He teaches constitutional law, comparative constitutional law, the law of the political process, the First Amendment, and federal courts. Greene was previously a Deputy Assistant Attorney General in the Office of Legal Counsel at the Department of Justice and the Alexander Fellow at New York University School of Law. He served as a law clerk to Judge Guido Calabresi on the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals and for Justice John Paul Stevens on the U.S. Supreme Court. In 2019, he served as an aide to Kamala Harris during the Senate confirmation hearings of Justice Brett Kavanaugh. He has been a visiting professor at Harvard Law School and has served as Columbia Law’s Vice Dean for Intellectual Life. His articles have appeared in The New York TimesSlateNew York Daily News, and The Los Angeles Times. Greene is the author of the book “How Rights Went Wrong: Why Our Obsession With Rights Is Tearing America Apart”. He is also the author of numerous law review articles and has written in-depth about the Supreme Court, constitutional rights adjudication, and the constitutional theory of originalism, including “Rights as Trumps?”, “Rule Originalism”, and “The Anticanon”, an examination of Supreme Court cases now considered examples of weak constitutional analysis.