Martine Rothblatt
Martine Rothblatt is the chairman and CEO of United Therapeutics, a biotechnology company, and the author of “Virtually Human: The Promise and Peril of Digital Immortality.” Rothblatt, the highest-paid female CEO in the U.S., is a transhumanist well known for creating BINA48, a cyborg of her wife. Previously, as an attorney-entrepreneur, she was responsible for launching several satellite communications companies, including SiriusXM, where she served as chairman and CEO. In the 1990s, she entered the life sciences field by leading the International Bar Association’s project to develop a draft Human Genome Treaty for the UN and by founding United Therapeutics. Rothblatt’s inventions transcend information technology and medicine and most recently include an Alzheimer’s cognitive enabler that uses mindware to process mindfiles so that a mindclone of a person’s consciousness results. The potential and ethics of this technology are described in her latest book, “Virtually Human.” She is also the author of books on satellite communications technology, gender freedom, genomics, and xenotransplantation.