Thinking Freely in the Age of Neurotechnology

Monday, May 22, 2023

I personally, through a traumatic loss in our lives, suffered from PTSD, and I use neurofeedback in order to be able to work through it. What wasn’t available to me at the time is a very promising platform called Decoded Neurofeedback, where literally the specific brain activity that is activated when you are suffering from the most traumatic memories can be tracked. Then a game or positive kind of associations can be used to retrain that brain activity without reactivating the memory. So traditional therapy for PTSD is exposure therapy, which is very difficult to have to confront the same memories over and over and over again versus literally just playing a fun game that retrained your brain activity enables you to overcome suffering. That, to me, is extraordinary and could be so incredibly helpful for people who are suffering from any kind of suffering. It doesn’t have to be, you know, PTSD. It doesn’t have to be at that level. There’s you know, I think there’s value to working through suffering. I also think there’s value to not having to work through too much suffering and to enable people to be able to live happier, healthier lives.