Andrew Huszar

Andrew Huszar

Andrew Huszar is a senior fellow at Rutgers Business School, where his research focuses on the evolving intersection between government and the financial markets. Until June 2012, he was managing director and U.S. head of OTC derivatives client clearing for Morgan Stanley. Before that, Huszar worked for ten years over two different stints at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (FRBNY). In his last Fed position, Huszar managed the $1.25 trillion agency MBS purchase program, the centerpiece of the first round of “quantitative easing” (QE1). He managed the program’s portfolio design and trading strategy, as well as the creation of a permanent, in-house Federal Reserve AMBS trading platform. Previously, Huszar was both a bank regulator and an attorney at the FRBNY. Huszar also worked on Wall Street at RBS Greenwich Capital as the co-head of a transaction advisory group advising the bank’s trading businesses on the Basel II capital rules.