Brian Kennedy

Brian Kennedy

Brian K. Kennedy, PhD, is the CEO and president of the Buck Institute for Research on Aging. His innovative work in the biology of aging began as a doctoral student at MIT, where he took part in groundbreaking studies under the guidance of Leonard Guarente, PhD. Currently, he studies the pathways that modulate longevity in life forms ranging from yeast to mice, particularly the rapamycin (TOR) pathway. One of his lab’s goals is to determine whether such pathways can be regulated to treat the diseases of aging. Previously, he was in the biochemistry department at the University of Washington in Seattle. Since 2006, he has served on the National Institutes of Health Cellular Mechanisms of Aging and Development Study Section and on the grant review committee for American Federation for Aging Research Grants. He has published more than 60 manuscripts in journals, including “Cell, Nature, and Science”; is an associate editor for the “Journal of Gerontology”; and consults for biotech and pharmaceutical companies.