Kathleen Newland
Kathleen Newland is the co-founder and a trustee of the Migration Policy Institute, where she directs policy programs on Migrants, Migration and Development and Refugee Protection. She has worked as a consultant to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, the International Labor Organization, the Office of the Secretary-General of the UN, and the World Bank. Prior to MPI, she co-directed the International Migration Policy Program at the Carnegie Endowment, lectured in International Political Economy at the London School of Economics, and was the Special Assistant to the Rector of the United Nations University. Currently, she is an overseer, as well as Chair of the Advocacy Committee, of the International Rescue Committee, and a board member of Kids in Need of Defense (KIND), the Stimson Center, and USA for UNHCR. She is Chair Emerita of the Women’s Refugee Commission. Newland is the author or editor of eight books, in addition to many shorter monographs, book chapters, policy papers, and articles.