Stuart W. Flint

Stuart W. Flint

Dr. Stuart W. Flint is an Associate Professor of the Psychology of Obesity at the University of Leeds with a specific interest and expertise in attitude and behavior change, psychosocial aspects of obesity, health-related stigma and discrimination – particularly weight stigma and discrimination – and health inequalities. Dr. Flint is also an Honorary Academic for the Office of Health Improvement and Disparities (DHSC) and the President of Scaled Insights, a Behavioral Artificial Intelligence company. He has led work internationally, nationally, and regionally with governments, health systems, education providers, media organizations, patient and public advocacy groups, and within the general population. This includes public health policy development, research and evaluation and campaigns, education for healthcare professionals, media and policymaker guidelines, and public health service guidance for addressing weight stigma. Dr. Flint has published widely in high-impact journals, including The Lancet, BMJ, and Nature Medicine, and is a contributing member to the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Obesity and APPG on a Fit and Healthy Childhood in the U.K.