Looking Back From The Moderator Podium: Spring 2019 Debate Highlights

John Donvan Intelligence Squared Debate

Eight debates, 31 debaters, four months, and one invigorated and informed moderator. That’s where we stand now as our spring 2019 series wraps with another groundbreaking season of debates. Before we head out on the road for our summer season, take a look back at some of my favorite debate highlights from 2019 thus far.


Research and Modeling the Effects of Solar Geoengineering

Harvard’s David Keith, Oxford’s Anjali Viswamohanan, and best-selling author Clive Hamilton go head-to-head on the implications of solar geoengineering research.

Cast Your Vote - Is Solar Geoengineering a Crazy Idea?


Did Trump Drain the Swamp?

New York Times columnist Bret Stephens and Fox News contributor Liz Peek debate the Trump administration’s ability to reach across the aisle – and drain the swamp.

Cast Your Vote - Did Trump Drain the Swamp?

Does Censorship Have a Place on Social Media?

Stanford Law’s Nate Persily and the Electronic Frontier Foundation’s Corynne McSherry debate censorship, social media, and the First Amendment.

Cast Your Vote - Does Censorship Belong on Social Media?


Yasheng Huang: China Could Win the Trade War

Could China win a total trade war against the United States? MIT’s Yasheng Huang argues yes.

Cast Your Vote - Will China Win the Trade War?


What Is it Like to Debate With AI?

World-champion debater Harish Natarajan gives a post-debate analysis of his interactions with IBM’s Project Debater.

Watch the Debate

Long-Term Conservation

Do we need to utilize de-extinction to fight climate change? Dr. Ross MacPhee of the American Museum of Natural History and Whole Earth Catalog’s Stewart Brand debate.

Cast Your Vote - Should We Embrace De-extinction?


Could Democrats & Republicans Come Together In a Financial Crisis?

Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank president Neel Kashkari argues in a time of crisis, Democrats and Republicans will come together to save the country.

Cast Your Vote - Are We Prepared for the Next Financial Crisis?

We’ll be back soon with our first debate of the summer, in partnership with the German Marshall Fund, as we head back to Brussels for the Brussels Forum. Stay tuned!


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