Agree To Disagree: Sex Robots?

Sex With Robots Debate

As robots and artificial intelligence reached new heights, the relationship between humans and machines is getting closer. The sex tech industry is worth $30 billion annually and growing, as sex with synthetic companions is becoming far more widespread. But should it be? What are the social consequences? Some argue that sex robots will encourage bad behavior, perpetuate misogyny, and reinforce pornographic depictions of the opposite sex. Others say it can serve as a societal good for those who struggle with traditional relationships, and be employed as a safe outlet for otherwise toxic behavior. So this Valentine’s day, we’re debating sex robots and their place in society in this exclusive podcast release of Agree to Disagree.


The Debaters:


Kate Devlin
PhD, computer scientist specializing in AI and human-computer interaction, author of “Turned On: Science, Sex, and Robots.”

Joanna Bryson
PhD, professor at the Hertie School in Berlin, scholar of AI and ethics.


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